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Event targeting captures cell phone data of people attending an event. This data is then used to serve the audience targeted display ads.

Event Targeting with Geofencing

Event targeting captures cell phone data of people attending an event.


This data is then used to serve the audience targeted display ads. It’s a powerful strategy that can build real-time, targeted audiences very quickly. The audience is then served targeted display ads 3-5 times a day for up to 30 days after the event.

Sporting events, conferences, conventions, trade shows, concerts, music festivals, fairs, cultural events, parades, and more are perfect opportunities to capture a relevant audience interested in your product or service.

Most of the people at any given event will have their cell phones with them—meaning, advertisers can capture their attendance at the event and then market to them up to 30 days after the event.

How Event Targeting Works

Audiences can be built, molded, and optimized in a way that best aligns with your campaign goals. The only limit on event targeting is your imagination.

A virtual geo-fence is traced around an event location during a scheduled day and time frame. When a mobile user enters the geo-fenced location during the specified time frame, they will then become part of a custom audience that can be targeted later with mobile ads. What’s more, this audience is portable and reusable for future campaigns.

As we mentioned earlier, the real benefit to Event Targeting lies within the timing. An advertiser can target an event location only during a specific date and time window.

Here is an example, let’s say you are a western clothing store and want to build an audience during a country music concert at a big arena. That afternoon before the concert, there is a NFL football game being played at that same arena. With Event Targeting, we can target the arena only during the time that the concert is being held and avoid wasting impressions on the unrelated audience that is attending the football game at the same location. In fact, advertisers can achieve granularity down to the quarter-hour level!

Why Choose Get GeoFencing Event Targeting Solutions

Leverage the Real Estate in the Hands of Your Prospect

We use ad space in the hands of people attending the event! People constantly access their phones at events. Checking social media, taking selfies, researching products, and checking the weather forecasts are just a few reasons people hop on their phones while attending an event or show. An ad in their hand is just as likely to be seen as a digital billboard, show booth, flyer, or hanging vinyl ad.

A Cost Effective Approach

Trade shows are expensive to set up a booth. Sponsored signage can run thousands of dollars for a couple of hours. Get GeoFencing Event Targeting is a digital campaign that allows you to pay for measured impressions as well as design multiple ad sizes and messaging. A small business can reach a premium audience and can continue to advertise to the targeted audience for up to 30 days after the event.

Get Around Exclusivity

Competitors cannot ban you from advertising at an event with exclusivity agreements. Have your competitors spend all that money marketing their tent events or sponsoring that sporting team. You don’t have to be an exclusive sponsor and commit to something months in advance. Event Targeting campaigns can be developed quickly and get your business in front of the audience attending any event.

Serve Multiple Locations at Once

With Event Targeting, you can have campaigns operating in multiple locations at the same time, usually at a fraction of the cost.

Your Campaign is Still Active After the Event

As stated, you are still advertising to the event attendees up to 30 days after the event. With traditional advertising, the campaign ends as soon as the event is over. Our targeted display provides frequency and reach, which are paramount for a successful advertising campaign.


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Let’s Strategize!

Let’s chat about your business. Find out what your goals are, who your customer is, and what you are currently doing for advertising. Every business is different, and every strategy is unique. We will clearly explain different digital marketing tools and why they should be included in your campaign.

Contact Us

When you call we won’t just give you a price, we’ll talk. Yes, really – a business conversation between two professionals where we’ll discuss your business, your business goals, and your marketing budget with zero pressure! We will give you the information for you to make an informed decision if Targeted Display Advertising is right for you.

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