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Location-Based Advertising: 10 Biggest Benefits

Location-Based Advertising: 10 Biggest Benefits

Location-based advertising uses locational data to create and deliver targeted ads to potential customers. The benefits of this type of advertising are numerous. These include: 1. Increased Relevance Location-based advertising allows businesses to deliver highly...
Geofence Ads: Good Design Equals Good Results

Geofence Ads: Good Design Equals Good Results

Geofence ads, also known as banner or display ads, are a visual-based form of online paid advertising. You usually see these ads on websites, apps, and social media platforms. Geofence ads are delivered programmatically.  They are placed on websites or apps the...
Connected TV

Connected TV

Connected TV Advertising Getting your ads on the big screen is expensive and so is not an option for many advertisers. Here comes connected TV advertising for your rescue. Marketers call this a game-changer. But it’s just a part of a larger trend that is changing how...